A Scientific Halloween!

Activities and Experiments For Science Students of All Ages!

Children of all ages love Halloween. What’s not to love? Yummy candy, scary decorations, fun costumes,  and all the blood and gory they can handle. Want to know what children of all ages don’t always love? Science. I personally think science is one of the most fascinating subjects, so I always wonder how we can get our students more excited for it. This time of year is perfect for combining science and Halloween themed activities! I have found five Halloween-themed science experiments that are perfect for middle and high school aged students that don’t require a ton of prep and supplies.

Self Carving Exploding Pumpkin

This experiment is geared more towards older students, more specifically in a Chemistry class, and performed outside if possible. A pumpkin, that explodes, how awesome. What you’ll need is a hydrogen peroxide, water, chips of calcium carbide, tuna or cat food can, oven mitt and a piezoelectric sparker. 
Click here for more details on how to perform the experiment in class and watch the video below to fee it in action!

Dry Ice Crystal Ball Bubble

Think wizards and witches holding their hands over a crystal ball, with the smoke pouring out from all over it. Now your students can re-create this in your classroom with the help of only four items. You will need dry ice, bubble solution, water or tonic water and a black light if you want it glowing liquid (yes please!) and a glass or dish. Check out the directions here.

Creepy Density

This experiment reinforces the lesson of density, and which liquids/solutions are more or less dense than the other. The results are creepy and gory looking, but students will love it! Items you’ll need for this include vegetable oil, water, food coloring, golden syrup and treacle, a.k.a. Molasses. Students can also include small items to test for floating, such as small plastic spiders or other small objects. Check it out here.

Bag of Blood

This bloody experiment reinforces the lesson of air pressure. You will again only need four items: a zip-lock bag, water, food coloring and wooden skewers. Students create their bag of blood (gross!) and poke holes in the bag with the skewers, only to find the bag just won’t leak! Click here for setup and directions.

Bubbling Brew

Turn your students in magicians and have them create their own bubbling brew in the classroom! Items they’ll need are small glass jars, white vinegar, washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda, food coloring and glitter. The colors and fun are endless! See here.
I hope you and your students find these experiments to be both fun and educational! There are so many ways to make science more relatable and easily understood for students. Halloween is a theme to incorporate into your classroom for better engagement and enjoyment. Please comment on more Halloween-themed science activities you’ve tried! Enjoy!

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