My First Post…Finally!!

I had been buying resources on TpT for about 4 years when a colleague of mine, good friend and super successful TpT seller convinced me to start selling some of the resources she saw I had created cot my own classroom use. I thought to myself “Who would want to buy MY stuff??”. After some encouragement from my colleague (who I now consider my mentor and fairy godmother), I created a seller account and posted my first products. It took a little while before I heard the first “cha-ching” sound from my phone, and it sent sent me into an excited frenzy- “Omg, Omg, Omg I SOLD SOMETHING!!!”

Those first few sales gave me the inspiration and drive to create more products, and within 6 months I was making some good extra spending money. I was amazed!! My fiancé , who is some type of computer programmer or something (not really sure what he does but he can do anything with a computer) started helping me more technical tasks, and we grew a great small business we can do together.

This TpT journey has been amazing, I have been lucky to be inspired by and connect with so many amazing teachers around the world! I have also been grateful to be able to take my true passion for teaching and share my techniques and ideas with other educators, with the additional bonus of making some extra money at the same time!

Whew! That wasn’t so first post I have had so much anxiety over writing is finally finished. Now that I know that it’s nothing to be afraid of, my head is already swimming with ideas for the many more to come. Ii so excited and look forward to sharing all that I have learned, and will continue to learn, with the world!!


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